May Is A Beautiful Month

© Joe DiMaggio

To all the ships at sea, my California agent always reminds me to never use terms like “the good old days”.

My agent is living in a world that he thinks theres privacy, and anyone with an IPhone, IPad or any computer knows theres no such thing as privacy anymore. The whole world knows everything there is to know about you and me. Im going to stop there and not give you my viewpoint on whether I like it or not… Oh hell, I dont like it.

All of my mentors back in the day always told me do not manipulate a photograph, do not crop a photograph, do not touch the photo, the way it is in the camera is the way you deliver it to your viewer. I have believed that for more years than I should admit.

The reality is that Im now working in the last part of my life on this beautiful, marble planet.

I’m absolutely fascinated with what you can do with a photograph. In a perfect world, you want to start with really a great image, and then do some minimal manipulations where it could transcend from a photograph to a piece of art.

The next photo is my interpretation of the way I would like to see it on my wall and there may be other people that love it, hate it or dismiss it… and that’s fine. The photo was done for me, not anyone else. So as long as I’m happy with it, thats just fine with me.

Enjoy the rest of May

Joe D.

© Joe DiMaggio

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